Possible Frosty Sightings!
So far Frosty hasn’t been in touch, but we remain hopeful. I’ve had a couple of possible sightings reported to me, but no confirmation as of yet. “The Beast Tamer”, a lorry driver apparently, reckoned he saw a snowman trying to hitch a lift on the M1, but by the time we got there all we could find was a large puddle. We also heard of an attempted break in at an Iceland store in Keighley. The intruder was disturbed and fled, but was described as ” white male of above average height and weight, with ridiculously short legs, a prominent orange nose, and a long trailing scarf”, but to be frank that description could be almost anyone. Still if anyone else hears anything at all please just let us know. We’re nearly frantic with worry. We’re concerned about Frosty too.
The first Christmas Preview evening at the garden centre couldn’t have been better timed last night. Howling winds and torrential rain conspired to keep all but the hardiest souls away, so thanks to the couple of dozen who braved the elements, it was really good to see you. Home made mince pies and mulled wine will again be available, this time all day, on Saturday 1st December, and we’re all keeping our fingers crossed for more hospitable weather.