Has Frosty run away?
So, just for amusement we bought one of those snowman boards with a space to write on how many days to go to Christmas and put it in the planter at the gate to the garden centre. And it did amuse! We heard many people walk past and comment upon it, even if we were in danger of over exciting some of the children!! Then, only 3 days after Frosty first moved in, he mysteriously vanished again. What has become of Frosty? Is he hitch hiking his way to Lapland? Was Settle not exciting enough? Has he gone off to find a global snowball fight to get involved in? Has he gone off to find colder climes? Did he not like his new family, perhaps? Or is there a more sinister reason. Has Frosty been kidnapped – or worse still murdered? I do hope not, not in such a respectable and law abiding community as ours!
Anyway, hope you are well Frosty, if you happen to be reading this, and please come home. We’ll be starting to sell our Christmas Trees very shortly, and we’ll be needing a hand please!