Sulphur is an important secondary nutrient for all plants. It forms a vital component of many amino acids and is therefore essential for efficient protein production. Since the introduction of stricter pollution controls, sulphur deposition from the atmosphere has greatly decreased and many soils in the uk are now sulphur deficient. So some soils require extra sulphur to keep the plants healthy.
Sulphur deficiency shows as yellowing between the veins around the margins of the youngest meanest and can increase the plants susceptibility to a range of diseases like blackspot and powdery mildew.
sulohur helps promote strong healthy growth and prevents yellowing if leaves of many plants including chrysanthemums, cineraria, delphinium, ornamental hop, hyacinth, cucumber, gooseberry,grape vine, marrow, pea, rose and strawberry.
It can also be used as conditioner in soil for acid loving plants such as rhododendrons, heathers, azeleas and Camellia.
Sulphur can also help neutralise the effects of hard water when plants are grown in tubs or planters.